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You can book an appointment telephonically from these numbers- 9972014081 or 9945813170 or from our website or by mailing at appointments@bangalorefetalmedicine.com
Nuchal translucency scan is baby’s position dependent scan as we have to measure fluid thickness behind the neck of the baby when the baby is in horizontal position. If the baby is not in a favourable position, scan may take time till baby turns.
Similarly in Anomaly scan we study all the structures of the baby to rule out any abnormalities.It also depends on baby’s position.So if the baby is in unfavourable position,it will require multiple sittings.
Sometimes patient may have to come another day if the baby does not cooperate and changes position.
Full bladder is required only if its early pregnancy abdominal scan (viability scan).For NT, Anomaly and Growth Scans, full bladder is not required. Bladder should not be too full or empty. You can drink regular amounts of water. For NT scan, make sure you don’t pass urine just before coming in for the scan.
You will need a copy of Aadhaar card or Photo ID card like passport, driving license for an ultrasound. These are to be submitted to the Government as per PCPNDT Act laws.
-Early Pregnancy Scan/Viability Scan-For the diagnosis of pregnancy and fetal heart activity.
-NT scan (3rd month scan)-Important scan for dating of pregnancy, ruling out any major structural abnormalities and calculating risk for chromosomal abnormalities.
-Anomaly Scan (5th month scan)-In this scan every structure is studied in detail to rule out any structural defects and markers for chromosomal abnormalities.
-Growth Scan-For the monitoring of fetal growth, fluid around the baby and the blood flows in the baby.
-You may require additional scans depending upon the growth pattern of the baby or any emergency conditions like bleeding or decreased fetal movements.
Empty stomach is not required for scan. Sometimes scans may take time or multiple sittings if the baby is not in favourable position. You can eat in between also.
Blood reports will take around 1 week and will be mailed to you if they are normal. Similarly FISH /QF PCR reports will be available after 1 week and the karyotype reports will be available in 4 weeks.
If the reports are normal, they will be mailed to you. If anything about reports needs to be discussed, you will get a call from the Centre.
Same as needle prick of an injection.
Down Syndrome otherwise called Trisomy 21 is a chromosomal disorder in which the affected individual has one extra chromosome in addition to what is normally allocated number of chromosomes. It is the commonest cause of global developmental delay in children and can have a major social, financial and emotional impact on a family.
All your previous scan reports, investigations done in current pregnancy ,also reports of past pregnancy (if any significant history is there), relevant reports if any history of medical/surgical illness, medications, reports and investigations of affected family members.
Ultrasound is safe in pregnancy including transvaginal ultrasound. Frequent scanning is not harmful for the baby.
Mode of delivery depends upon multiple factors e.g growth of the baby, fluid around the baby, blood flows in the baby, previous history of surgery ,history of diabetes and high BP etc. It will be decided by your Obstetrician depending upon the above factors at the time of delivery. Ultrasound cannot predict the mode of delivery.
Scans will be done by Qualified doctors (Obstetricians/Radiologists) working in the field of Fetal Medicine. Initial part of the scanning will be done by Fetal Medicine fellows who are Obstetricians/Radiologists and later part of the scan will be completed by Fetal Medicine Consultants.
For Every Fetal Scan