Let us know

Your Pregnancy Outcome

Let us know about your pregnancy

Outcome Form

Mother's Full Name :
Email ID:
what was the outcome of the pregnancy?
Live Birth
Termination of Pregnancy
Date of Delivery
Where Did You Delivery?
How Did You Deliver?
Vaginal Caesarean section
What is the sex of the baby?
Male Female
What was the baby's birth weight?
What was the baby's birth weight after 5 Mins?
Did the baby need treatment in the special baby care unit?
Yes No
If Yes Please Specify
At what age did the baby come home at ?
- Days On
Did the baby have any problems?
Yes No
If Yes what was it?
Tests during the course of the pregnancy?
Chorion villus sampling ( CVS)
Fetal blood sampling
Maternal biochemistry (Triple test)
Did the mother / the baby have any illnesses during the course of the pregnancy? -if so, please comment:
Illnesses during the course of the pregnancy?
Blood Pressure
Any other illness
Time Period
Name of the Baby
For Every Fetal Scan

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